Friday, September 11, 2009

Day Two-Hundred Forty-Three: 24 hours

What a great 24 hours!

Finished reading "Flatland."

Rode to work w/ the wife.

PM Pals booking! (There will be a full blog on this one very soon, but I am WAY too beat to write it tonight)

Opening night for Myrtle @ work--got to watch most of the show sitting next to my lovely wife!

Cheese and fruit!

But I am FAR too exhausted to go into more detail than that tonight. I love PM Pals, though, so expect to read about that soon.

I'm also going to continue the "Where I Came From" series, but I want to dedicate the necessary attention to the next stage of my career, and that's hard to do w/ my wife and sister-in-law having conversations over my head while I'm writing ;-)

Have a great weekend, everyone!