Wednesday, September 8, 2010

v2, d162: More Changes

A while back, I mentioned that "big changes" were on the way for me.  The first was the New Baby.  The second has finally come 'round, as I'm starting my new part-time job at the church as our head of children's ministry.  Now, clearly, we have a pretty small church, since Head of Children's Ministry is a Part-Time Job.  Nevertheless, everybody at church is Really Quite Excited about my coming on board.  I'm Quite Excited, too.  However, I'm also just a little bit Intimidated (seems to be a Theme around here lately, doesn't it?) at the task that lies ahead. 

We haven't had a Children's Minister for the past few years.  I've talked to everybody involved about finding ways to make this job work around my current Work Schedule, so I don't believe that's going to be an Issue moving forward.  We're at an exciting time in our church's life, as we're about to start on a big new Building Project that will improve our Sunday School rooms for all ages, and we're hoping to use that momentum to kick some life into our children's department.  Now, I know that Great Moments are born from Great Opportunities, but I can't help but feel like I'm at least a little out of my league here. 

I'm sure it's just Insecurity speaking, or Inexperience, but I really want to do a Good Thing here for God, for the church, and for these Kids.  (First I have to learn all of their First Names) 

In all seriousness (and proper capitalization), I would appreciate any and all prayers. This what I do is not necessarily a huge thing, but it is a significant thing.  May God bring Himself glory through the labors of my hands.  (As He will, and as He always does)