Very busy. Very very very very very busy. Nevertheless, thought it necessary to pass along this urgent news item from Sherri, in which we learn that now the British are now becoming aware of something we here at FOMW have known for months: We're doomed.
Really, though, I am incredibly busy now. And so is my wife. And so blogging is suffering. Though you do get things like "Shark" when that happens, so it's not a total loss. I would, however, like to use this opportunity to ask something of anybody who may be reading this. (I know, that's lame: I give you nothing and then ask something in return. Booo!)
Please pray for us. This isn't an "Everything is horrible and chaotic! We need emergency prayers!" situation. It's simply a, "There's a lot going on, and we'd appreciate the prayer support" sort of thing.
Pray that Kim will get the rest she and the baby need. It's been a very long week at her workplace and they've really been asking a lot of her lately. Plus, I'll be out of the house a lot this weekend (again). So pray for rest and stamina for her.
Also, please pray for stamina for me. I'm in four different places most of the time right now, and I just need the energy and focus to make it through everything without totally crashing and burning.
Also also, please pray for our church's Halloween carnival. I'm in charge of that now, and there's a lot to be done in not-a-lot-of-time. Plus, it's my first time doing it, so that's intimidating, too.
Finally, please pray for some nice deep breath moments. At least one time a day where we can share some simple pleasure as a family. A calm between the crazy.
Thanks, everybody. Things are going well over here. These days are just very, very full.