Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day One-Hundred Sixty-One: Fathers' Day 2009 (Updated)

Happy Fathers' Day


Update, 11:18 p.m.

I've been informed that writing three words doesn't count as blogging.

You know what? I hate coconut. I've only eaten one thing in my life that I've liked that had coconut in it. And when I ate a second one, I didn't like it anymore.

I used to roll up bologna and processed cheese single slices together when I was a kid. It was one of my favorite snacks.

It seems like everybody in grade school but me had a funny story involving a chicken. For the first time in my life, I have begun to question the validity of many of these stories.

Rumors that the guy who played the carjacker in the first Spider-Man film (and reprised that role for an extended flashback in SM3) will be back for Spider-Man 4.

Tomorrow is Megashark Monday. Celebrate as you deem appropriate.

Ice cream is great. Burgers are great. Bits o burgers in ice cream? Not so great.

I'm assuming, anyway.