Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day Ninety-Five: The Itsy-Bisty Spider

Headline on the front page of the Chronicle this morning: "Bedbugs Creeping Back Up In Again". Well, crap.

Hm...interestingly, that story doesn't seem to be on the Chronicle's website. Curious..

Anyway, first-thing blogging this morning, since my mom is flying in this afternoon, and boy do I expect her arms to be tired!

For the record, the knitting movie Dave started late Monday night was awesome, and that's why I stayed for the whole thing and was late to blogging. So there's that.

Playoff update:
New York 4, Washington 3 (Wow! Rangers lead series 1-0)
Pittsburgh 4, Philadelphia 1 (Penguins lead series 1-0!)
New Jersey 4, Carolina 1 (Devils lead series 1-0)
Vancouver 2, St. Louis 1 (Canucks lead series 1-0)

AHL: Peoria 6, Houston 4 (Rivermen lead series 1-0)

Some really great games last night, especially in Washington and Vancouver!

All righty, on to today's blog title:

Robbie has taken to singing to himself. If he's playing alone in the living room and no one else is talking, he's likely to fill the silence with a song. The other day, while he was sitting in his high chair patiently waiting for dinner, we were treated with this familiar little ditty:

"Itsy bitsy spider wen up a water spout, down came rain and wash a spider out, up came sun and dry up alla rain, and itsy bitsy spider...wen up a water spout, down came rain and wash a spider out, up came sun and dry up alla rain and itsy bitsy spider...wen up a water spout..."

The poor kid became trapped in an unending loop. Every time he reached the end of the song, it started over. He couldn't remember how to end it. And that poor, tortured spider!

Fortunately, Kim stepped in the third time through the song, and after the sun dried up alla rain, she sang, "And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again." Robbie paused, looked at her, and then clapped his hands and said "Yay!"

Rest at last, poor little spider.